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To Protect Our Heritage PAC, the Midwest's oldest and largest bi-partisan pro-Israel
political action committee, urges you to contact your senators and ask them not
to support Chuck Hagel's nomination for Secretary of Defense.
Hagel has consistently argued for appeasing our enemies and deserting our friends.
Hagel has a long history of standing on the wrong side of foreign policy decisions:
On Syria, Hagel failed to stand up for American interests and against tyranny.
In 1998, Hagel returned from a meeting with Hafez Al-Assad assessing Assad as a
peace partner.
In November 2003, Hagel did not vote for the Syria Accountability Act, which passed
by a vote of 89 to 4.
In July 2006, after Hezbollah attacks on Israel, Hagel called on President Bush
to in effect reward the terror group by engaging in open direct talks with its sponsors,
Iran and Syria.
In June 2008, Hagel sought to further encourage the terror-sponsoring Syrian regime
by returning the U.S. Ambassador to Damascus." Later he failed to understand the
threat of the Iranian-Syrian alliance, calling it merely a "marriage of convenience."
In October 2009, Hagel continued to view Assad through benign-colored glasses, and
called for direct U.S.-Syria talks at the highest levels.
Tens of thousands of dead Syrians are testimony to Hagel's poor political judgment.
On terrorism, Hagel has favored reducing pressure on terrorist groups and their
sponsors but has shown no reluctance to heap blame on Israel and the U.S.
Aug. 27, 1998, Hagel blamed Israel for Peace Impasse" saying Israel has ''essentially
stopped the process'' and excused Palestinian violence.
''What I fear more today is that desperate men do desperate things when you take
hope away...And that's where the Palestinians are today.''
In October 2000, Hagel was one of only four Senators who refused to sign a letter
expressing support for Israel during the Palestinian intifada.
In November 2001, Hagel was one of 11 Senators who refused to sign a letterrequesting
President Bush not meet with
Yasser Arafat until Arafat's Fatah ceased attacks on
In May 2002, Hagel said he would have opposed a House resolution that blamed Arafat
and the Palestinians for terrorism.
In June 2002, on CNN, Hagel refused to call Yasser Arafat and insisted that Arafat
had a constructive role to play in the peace process.
In June 2002, after two years of Palestinian suicide bombings and terror attacks
had murdered hundreds of Israelis, Hagel told an anti-Israel conference that the
U.S. alliance with Israel should not come at the expense of Palestinians, and that
the U.S. must impose an "end game" on Israel and the Palestinians.
In July 2002, in a Washington Post op-ed written after several of the most deadly
months of Palestinian suicide bombings, Hagel absolved the Palestinians of responsibility
stating that Palestinians could not be expected to make reforms as long as "Israeli
military occupation and settlement activity." Hagel insisted that "Israel must take
steps to show its commitment to peace" - after Israel had twice offered the Palestinians
a state in negotiations.
In April 2004, Hagel refused to sign onto a letter asking the UN not to support
an International Court of Justice "advisory opinion" (i.e. automatic condemnation)
on Israel's security fence, which stopped the entry of suicide bombers into Israel
and saved countless lives. The letter garnered 79 Senate signatures.
In December 2005, Hagel was one of 27 Senators who refused to sign a letter to President
Bush requesting the U.S. pressure the Palestinians to ban terrorist groups from
participating in legislative elections.
In July 2006, Hagel called on President Bush to demand an immediate cease-fire when
Israel retaliated against Hezbollah. He accused Israel of "the systematic destruction
of an American friend - the country and people of Lebanon."
In different remarks during the same month, Hagel accused Israel of carrying out
a "sickening slaughter."
In January 2007, Hagel said that Palestinians have been "chained down for many,
many years." "But when people have no hope, when there's despair, little else matters.
And this is not about terrorists [who]don't like freedom. Tell that to the Palestinian
people who have been chained down for many, many years."
In August 2006, Hagel was only of 12 senators who refused to sign a letter asking
the EU to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization.
In March 2009, Hagel signed a public letter urging President Obama to open direct
negotiations with Hamas.
In March 2009,as mentioned, in an interview on Al Jazeera, Hagel agreed that the
U.S. is "the world's bully."
On Iran, Chuck Hagel has sought to protect that rogue nation from U.S. sanctions
and diplomatic pressure.
In June 2001, Hagel denounced proposed sanctions on Iran, asserting they "isolate
In July 2001, Hagel voted against the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, which passed
In June 2004, Hagel refused to sign a letter urging that President Bush highlight
Iran's nuclear program while at the G-8 summit.
In October 2007, Hagel sent a private letter to President Bush urging "direct, unconditional"
talks with Iran to create a "historic new dynamic in US-Iran relations."
In March 2007, Hagel declined to join 72 Senators in supporting a bipartisan sanctions
bill called the Iran Counter Proliferation Act.
In September 2007, Hagel opposed 76 Senators in voting against designating Iran's
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization.
In November 2007, Hagel claimed that "Continued hostile relations between the United
States and Iran will have the effect of isolating the United States."
In July 2008, Hagel voted in the Senate Banking Committee against legislation imposing
sanctions on countries conducting certain business with Iran. It passed 19-2.
In October 2008, Hagel was cited as "solely responsible" for holding up a bipartisan
Iran sanctions bill in the Senate that had 72 co-sponsors.
In March 2009, in an interview on Al Jazeera, Hagel agreed that the U.S. is "the
world's bully."
Not only has Chuck Hagel has sought to blame Israel for Palestinian terrorism and
for all the unrest in the Middle East, he has been both silent and disturbingly
outspoken about anti-Semitism.
In June 1999, Hagel was the only U.S. Senator who refused to sign an American Jewish
Committee ad in the New York Times asking Russian President Boris Yeltsin to combat
anti-Semitism in Russia.
In 2008, in an interview with author Aaron David Miller, Hagel used a well-tested
anti-Semitic trope: the accusation of dual loyalty. "The political reality is that
... the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here." He continued, describing
his reaction to a meeting in New York with supporters of Israel, where he told the
audience: "Let me clear something up here if there's any doubt in your mind. I'm
a United States Senator. I'm not an Israeli senator. I'm a United States Senator."
While the Ayatollahs in Iran are hopeful []
about Hagel's nomination, we who are committed to a strong U.S., a safe Israel,
and an unshakable alliance between the two democracies are very concerned,very concerned.