Sunday, January 11, 2009

Rabbis will be quoted by anti semites and radical Muslims

I sometimes feel I am not the same religion as this guy. Israel faces thousands of missiles from Gaza and is fighting for the safety of its population and this rabbi blames Israel. Would he would not defend his family from missiles? How would he stop it? Think Hamas will listen to talk?
Read his words and you can bet white power neo-nazis and muslim radical terrorists will be quoting him.

Someone wrote-"Just a few days after the bombing of Gaza started, my rabbi, Rabbi Brant Rosen here in Evanston, Illinois had the courage to write something on his blog* that may forever change his life, and the lives of those around him. As I read it, I could literally feel the earth shift beneath my feet. He said,
"So no more rationalizations. What Israel has been doing to the people of Gaza is an outrage. It has has brought neither safety nor security to the people of Israel and it has wrought nothing but misery and tragedy upon the people of Gaza."
she wrote-The earth is shifting on this issue when the people to whom we look for guidance about right and wrong, people like Rabbi Brant, finally speak the truth- that killing will not bring peace. Not for the Israelis, not for the Palestinians, not for anyone. Many people from my own congregation, including my own daughter, wrote him to say "Thank you, thank you for finally saying these words out loud."

Unbelievable-Israel should just roll over and let its population be murdered? What kind of militrary experience doe this rabbi have to dictate to israel what it needs to do to defend its population against these murderer? these are nazis-they want to exterminate Jew, they use their own population cynically to cause civilain deaths,even as they TRY AND KILL ISRAELS INDISCRIMINATELY-, while Israel tries to prevent civilian deaths, and this Rabbi reserves his outage for ISRAEL?

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