Sunday, July 27, 2008

Richard Baehr on Obama

David Horovitz of the Jerusalem Post interviews Barack Obama. Read carefully his comments on settlements in the West Bank. Is Obama unaware of the Clinton/ Barak offer to the Palestinians in the summer and fall of 2000, which was rejected by Yassar Arafat, who then launched the very deadly second intifada? There is, to put it mildly, a strong dose of a pox on both your houses in Obama's remarks- that both sides are equally responsible for the impasse that remains. I think not- the impasse that exists is because one side, Israel, is and has been, willing to compromise on certain things in order to end the conflict, and the other side has had no interest in ending the conflict, short of achieving its ultimate goal- the end of Israel. Until that changes, there can be no end to the conflict.

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