Thursday, November 5, 2009

USA must bomb Iran's sites asap

what should be done. America must bomb all their sites asap.
We are not talking about ground troops, but a bombing campaign. The appropriate examples are Iraq 1991 and Syria last year, although this will be much tougher. The world now thanks israel for that. There is no option. if Obama allows Iran to get the bomb, it will be the worst Presidential decision in history, and worse than a nightmare for israel. Sanctions will do nothing to stop iIan.. It is too late and Iran is just playing the world for fools. Obama alone can stop it. USA has the bunker buster bombs and long range bombers to do it , a campaign of several weeks. Israel can't do nearly the same damage. I have many articles explaining the positive cost benefit (even as the cost in terrorism will be horrible) if people want.

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