Monday, March 15, 2010

Israel builds houses, Palestinians murder, who is attacked by Obama?

The disgusting performance of the current American administration towards
Israel continues, as does its fawning support of Palestinian murderers. One
would think Mrs. Clinton would have something to say to her darling, Mahmoud
Abbas, about the naming of the main public square in Ramallah by his
'government' to honor Fatah terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, murderer of 38
Israelis -13 of them little kids. But no, Mrs. Clinton, who has a
selective blind eye, has chosen to talk about Israel's "slapping America" in
the face. Building houses in our capital is a crime, but terrorism can be
honored, is that it, Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Biden? Don't you think the
Palestinians should also be chastised for preventing your imaginary "peace
process" from going forward? Guess in
Obama-nation land, things are seen differently.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this whole post is all falsified facts. Dalal did not kill any little kids of course an Israeli stretching the truth as always. Palestinians are not murderers Israeli's are cold blooded cowards who have killed more children in the last year then Palestine has killed in the last 6 decades. Why are you complaining America they give you more money then there own country.