Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rabbis For Israel


*Mission Statement*

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Rabbis for Israel is a forum of rabbis from all streams, who are
deeply concerned by the drift in much of world opinion that has made it
legitimate to single out Israel for blame and censure in respect of the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

While we recognize that Israel shares some responsibility for the current
state of affairs, we believe that the roots of the conflict and its broader
dimensions are much more complex than is generally presented and that
attempts by Israel's detractors to lay the blame for the lack of progress
towards peace at her door while pressing her alone to make concessions are
not only unjustified but frequently motivated by political interests,
naivety, ignorance, misinformation or even anti-Semitism.

We are particularly concerned by the manner in which some organizations
within the Jewish community that profess to care for Israel and her
well-being advocate that pressure be applied upon her to make unilateral
concessions. Similar demands are not made of the Palestinians to respond in
kind if at all. We believe that such advocacy, which results in
intransigence and increased demands from the Palestinian side, does not
advance the cause of peace. In discrediting Israel publicly, such
organizations not only weaken support for her but also serve the interests
of her detractors and enemies.

At a time when it has become fashionable to castigate Israel for unrest in
the Middle East and elsewhere, we appeal to Jews everywhere to respond to
criticism of Israel with support and to advocate on her behalf.

We urge rabbis who agree with the Mission Statement below to sign on to it,
demonstrating their support for a reasonable solution to the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Please email Rabbi Micky Boyden at to do so.

*The Mission Statement of Rabbis for Israel*

*A Lasting and Secure Peace for Israel*

We, the undersigned, believe that Israel has a legitimate right
to exist as a sovereign, democratic Jewish state in the historic homeland of
the Jewish people. We support a peaceful and just resolution to the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict that will recognize two independent states, a
Jewish state of Israel and a Palestinian state, living side by side in
peace, security, and prosperity.

We call upon the Arab world to accept unequivocally and publicly
Israel's permanent right to exist in peace.


We believe that any resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict
will require Israel to cede sovereignty over most of the West Bank and will
need to address the aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians concerning
Jerusalem, a city that is holy to three religions.

Palestinian claims for a right of return will need to find their
resolution within the Palestinian state once established.

*Teaching Tolerance and Peace*

We call upon Muslim and Christian religious leaders to establish
frameworks in their own communities to oppose messages of hatred and
violence against Israel, to work towards developing a spirit of mutual
understanding, tolerance and peace with Jews, and to encourage the
strengthening of peaceful relationships and partnerships between Israelis
and Palestinians.

We demand that the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and their agents
cease using the media, mosques and textbooks to foster and incite hatred
against Israel and the Jewish People.

* Support for Israel*
We call upon leaders in the Jewish community to support Israel in
their public statements and express any concerns they may have with great
caution and considerable forethought given the manner in which their views
are likely to be manipulated to Israel's detriment by those who use every
opportunity to vilify her. **

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*The Use of Violence*

We call upon Palestinian political and religious leaders to
denounce the use of violent *Jihad*, and demand that the Palestinian
Authority, Hamas and their agents cease all forms of support, complicity and
participation in or glorification of terrorist activities.

*Moral Equivalency*

We recognize Israel's moral right to defend her citizens against
attacks emanating from the Palestinian territories. To demand that Israel
forgo the right to defend her citizens in order to improve the lot of
Palestinians without the latter abandoning their call for violent resistance
is both morally and ethically repugnant. As such, we reject the moral
equivalency that some would draw between the suffering of the Palestinians
and the lasting psychological trauma not to mention literal endangerment of
life with which Israelis have to contend.

*Israel's Defense*
We call upon the international community and media to recognize that any
resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict will demand that Israel's
very real security concerns be addressed, particularly in the light of the
key role played by Iran and Syria in arming and training Israel's enemies.

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