Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How Obama helps Iran from Richard Baehr
Democratic Congressman Howard Berman, who was once reliably pro-Israel, has delayed Congressional action on Iran sanctions for over a year, on orders from the White House. Now a Conference committee of he House and Senate will likely offer exemptions to companies from China and Russia, two nations Obama bribed to support the weak U.N. sanctions just approved last week. Obama is offered praise by AIPAC for not allowing a tougher U.N resolution on Israel and the flotilla to be approved, when prior administrations would have killed such action with a veto. This President is post-American, committed to diluting U.S. power and sovereignty in order to gain acclaim from the enlightened views of the international community.
The Obama team is making life easier for Iran. We rejoined the U.N Human Rights Council , and gave it legitimacy for its vicious , persistent , actions targeting Israel. The Obama team was cautious during the green revolution, offering no support to the dissidents after the election was stolen.

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